What’s a union?
Because we’re dedicated to transparency and openness, it’s important to us that you understand Banner’s position on unions and how they may affect you.
That means understanding what unions are, and what they aren’t. Unions aren’t clubs, social organizations or charities — they’re businesses.
- Unions represent team members in a bargaining unit in dealings with an employer. In return, they charge fees for their service in the form of dues.
- The main source of money for labor unions comes from dues, fees, fines and assessments paid by their members.
- Those fees are often deducted directly from team member paychecks in accordance with Dues Check Off clauses.
- Today, just 5.9% of workers in the private sector belong to a union. That’s why unions need new members to survive.
- We’re an attractive target for labor unions because we have a large workforce and rapid regional growth.

What Unions Can and Cannot Do
Unions CAN
- Collect money in the form of dues, fees, fines and assessments.
- File charges against union members resulting in penalties such as fees and fines.
- Negotiate and make proposals to a company even if not all team members represented by the union agree with the proposals.
- Refuse to act on a team member's concerns and grievances presented to them.
- Represent all team members in a bargaining unit even if not all those in the bargaining unit want union representation.
- Require union members go on strike even if they don’t support it.
- Guarantee higher wages
- Guarantee better (or less expensive) benefits
- Guarantee hours or schedules
- Guarantee different patient-staffing ratios
- Guarantee job security or prevent a company from having a layoff if a legitimate business need exists
- Fire any of the company’s managers or supervisors