Strong Journey


El Service Employees International Union (SEIU) empezó en 1921 como un sindicato de conserjes, y con el tiempo pasó a incluir a trabajadores del sector público y del cuidado de la salud.

A lo largo de los años, su éxito se ha atribuido a las fusiones con sindicatos más pequeños y a su focalización en mano de obra no calificada de bajos salarios y grupos que tradicionalmente no han sido cortejados por los sindicatos, tales como los trabajadores del cuidado de la salud. Pero no todos sus pasos han sido acertados.

Todo suma una pérdida considerable de miembros y poder, lo cual podría hacer que usted se pregunte si este es el grupo que desea que represente sus intereses.

El SEIU es un sindicato que ha tenido su cuota de desafíos, y ahora podrían recurrir a usted para ayudarlos con sus problemas. La pregunta que necesita hacerse es si el SEIU es el grupo que usted desea que represente sus intereses y si sus servicios valen el costo de las cuotas.

Qué Significa ser Miembro del SEIU

Se espera que los miembros del SEIU acaten las reglas y reglamentos de la constitución del SEIU.


Por lo menos algunos de los miembros del SEIU no están contentos con la representación del sindicato. Se han presentado 5,280 acusaciones de prácticas laborales desleales (ULP) contra el sindicato desde el 2014, según Bloomberg BNA.

Conozca Más acerca del SEIU

Accordion Content
The last several decades have seen steady stagnation for union membership in our industry with just 6.9% of healthcare and social assistance workers belonging to a union in 2023. And no growth over multiple decades, during a time when all other costs have increased? That spells trouble for any union.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
And the SEIU is no exception. Since 2019, this union has lost more than 117,000 members – a significant drop.
Source: Bloomberg BNA
Unsatisfied Customers  The SEIU seems to have a problem holding on to its members. After years of struggle against the SEIU, 100,000 members left to form the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW). What’s more, since 2014, the SEIU has been involved in 434 petitions for decertification – petitions made by union members who wanted to vote out the union. And how many did they win? Just 83 – 19%. Not a good sign for the SEIU.
Source: Bloomberg BNA
The SEIU is a big business, surviving on dues from hard-working members. The SEIU is required each year to file a document called an “LM-2” which reports the union’s most recent financial flow.
See the latest SEIU LM-2 report
In 2023, the SEIU International LM-2 Report stated that the union collected over $287 million in cash receipts and spent more than $293 million. That’s right, the SEIU somehow managed to pay out $5.7 MILLION more than it collected. SEIU Members The SEIU collected over $287 million, but how much did it spend on behalf of individual members? According to the LM-2, the Union responded to this item as follows: So, where is the money going? A chunk of the money pays top union official salaries and costly operating expenses. The SEIU paid more than $41 million for the combined salaries and expenses of its officers and employees. And disbursements for SEIU benefits totaled over $21 million. Take a look at the chart below which breaks down how the SEIU spent its money.

Other: Contributions, Gifts, and Grants; Per Capita Tax; Loans Made; Strike Benefits; Fines, Fees, and Assessments; Supplies for Resale; Repayment of Loans Obtained; On Behalf of Affiliates; On Behalf of Individual Members; Withheld but Not Disbursed. Source for all figures: 2024 SEIU LM-2 Report

Since 2014, the SEIU has been involved in 362 strikes, which put more than 306,000 of their members out of work. 
SEIU Work Stoppages
Year # Beginning in Year # of Workers Involved
2014 17 6,918
2015 7 5,169




2017 17 7,843
2018 18 2,462
2019 13 6,615
2020 15 20,273
2021 27 47,378




2023 101 180,851
Totals 362 306,613
Source: Bloomberg BNA