Un Equipo
Banner está orgulloso de nuestra cultura de Un Equipo, que es más que trabajar juntos, es empoderar a nuestros equipos para brindar una atención excelente y altamente confiable. Un Equipo se funda en la confianza, trabajar juntos para resolver problemas, mejor unos a otros e invertir en el bienestar y desarrollo de nuestros equipos.

Mensaje de Amy Perry, Presidenta y CEO
Nuestra misión como organización sin fines de lucro de “Hacer que la atención médica sea más fácil, para que la vida pueda ser mejor” es nuestro compromiso con todos a quienes servimos, incluidos nuestros pacientes, nuestras comunidades y entre nosotros.
Nos esforzamos por ser un excelente lugar donde trabajar, ayudando a nuestros talentosos equipos a crecer y desarrollarse. Creemos que nuestra gente es el cimiento de la fuerza y vitalidad de nuestra organización. Usted es una parte esencial de nuestro equipo, y estamos comprometidos con fomentar una cultura de confianza y pertenencia para todos.
Nuestro Compromiso
Banner existe para servir. Como tal, mantenemos un compromiso intencional y ponderado con proporcionar entornos laborales seguros y excelentes, salarios y beneficios que son competitivos en nuestro industria, así como un trato justo y equitativo para cada integrante del equipo. Nos esforzamos por tratar a todos con compasión, dignidad y respeto.

- One Team
- Message from Leadership
- Our Commitment
One Message
Banner is proud of our One Team culture, which is more than working together, it’s empowering our teams to deliver excellent, highly reliable care. One Team is built on trust, working together to solve problems, improving one another, and investing in our teams’ well-being and development.


Dear colleague,
Our nonprofit Mission
“Making health care easier, so life can be better”
is our commitment to all we serve, including our patients, our communities and each other.
We strive to be a great place to work, helping our talented teams grow and develop. We believe our people are the foundation of our organization’s strength and vitality. You are an essential part of our team, and we’re committed to fostering a culture of trust and belonging for everyone.
An important aspect of building relationships based on mutual trust, especially between our team members and leaders, is having open and consistent communication. The information on this website is designed to provide a clear understanding of unions and what your options are should you be approached about bringing a union into our organization.
Our Board of Directors fully supports our commitment to maintain open and direct relationships with our teams so that you are heard, supported and respected by our leaders, without the involvement of union.
Thank you for your continued dedication to One Team approach, caring for each other and our communities.
Amy Perry
President and CEO
Banner exists to serve. And as such, we maintain an intentional and thoughtful commitment to provide safe and excellent work environments, wages and benefits that are competitive in our industry, as well as fair and equitable treatment of each team member. We champion treating everyone with compassion, dignity and respect.
“Making health care easier, so life can be better” is our call-to-action and we’re bringing it to life by ensuring our team members have the innovation, technology, resources, environment, staffing and infrastructure necessary to provide safe, equitable, compassionate and quality care to build and strengthen healthy communities.

We believe:
When safe and inclusive spaces exist, team members and supervisors can communicate directly and openly with each other – creating work and patient healing environments that are more productive, positive, efficient and collaborative
Every team member’s voice matters – anyone with concerns should feel secure voicing those to their supervisor or Human Resources department
Team members are to be treated fairly and consistently – our Problem Solving procedure provides an independent review of a team member’s corrective action or involuntary separation
Mutually open and trusting relationships are essential to our work and the care we offer that’s why we strive to protect the right of each of team member to communicate with us directly and individually and want to continue working together without unnecessary interference from a labor union
Every day there are many decisions to be made, especially in health care. And like any major decision, there are always pros and cons. We recognize the presence of labor unions in our industry and service areas and while we continue to respect and honor your rights as it relates to labor union solicitation and your personal situations, we sincerely encourage you to be – and stay – informed and reflect on the reasons to withhold participation in labor union efforts.
We believe:
When safe and inclusive spaces exist, team members and supervisors can communicate directly and openly with each other – creating work and patient healing environments that are more productive, positive, efficient and collaborative
Every team member’s voice matters – anyone with concerns should feel secure voicing those to their supervisor or Human Resources department
Team members are to be treated fairly and consistently – our Problem Solving procedure provides a review of team member corrective action at the highest levels of the organization to aid in this effort
Mutually open and trusting relationships are essential to our work and the care we offer that’s why we strive to protect the right of each of team member to communicate with us directly and individually and want to continue working together without unnecessary interference from a labor union
Every day there are many decisions to be made, especially in health care. And like any major decision, there are always pros and cons. We recognize the presence of labor unions in our industry and service areas and while we continue to respect and honor your rights as it relates to labor union solicitation and your personal situations, we sincerely encourage you to be – and stay – informed and reflect on the reasons to withhold participation in labor union efforts.

“Making health care easier, so life can be better”
is our commitment to all we serve, including our patients, our communities and each other. We strive to be a great place to work, helping our talented teams grow and develop. We believe our people are the foundation of our organization’s strength and vitality. You are an essential part of our team, and we’re committed to fostering a culture of trust and belonging for everyone. An important aspect of building relationships based on mutual trust, especially between our team members and leaders, is having open and consistent communication. The information on this website is designed to provide a clear understanding of unions and what your options are should you be approached about bringing a union into our organization. Our Board of Directors fully supports our commitment to maintain open and direct relationships with our teams so that you are heard, supported and respected by our leaders, without the involvement of union. Thank you for your continued dedication to One Team approach, caring for each other and our communities. Amy Perry President and CEOBanner exists to serve. And as such, we maintain an intentional and thoughtful commitment to provide safe and excellent work environments, wages and benefits that are competitive in our industry, as well as fair and equitable treatment of each team member. We champion treating everyone with compassion, dignity and respect.
“Making health care easier, so life can be better” is our call-to-action and we’re bringing it to life by ensuring our team members have the innovation, technology, resources, environment, staffing and infrastructure necessary to provide safe, equitable, compassionate and quality care to build and strengthen healthy communities.
Un Equipo
Conozca los Hechos
La sindicalización es un tema complejo, y toda la información que existe puede ser abrumadora. Conozca los hechos usando los vínculos de abajo y tome una decisión informada.
Cómo Funcionan los Sindicatos
- Lo que pueden y no pueden hacer los sindicatos
- Su firma es valiosa
- Cómo funciona realmente la negociación colectiva
- La vida con un sindicato
- Cuestionario sobre sindicatos
Sindicatos que se Deben Conocer
En las Noticias…
- Acting NLRB General Counsel Rescinds Controversial Memoranda
- The SEIU’s power grab puts patients at risk
- Trump’s Labor Board Power Play: Firings, Fallout, and Legal Firestorms
- Major service workers union joins forces with AFL-CIO as second Trump term looms
Vínculos Útiles
- National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Inc.: nrtw.org
- Union Facts – unionfacts.com
- Worker Centers – Un Proyecto del Center for Union Facts: workercenters.com
¿Alguna Pregunta?
Por favor use el formulario para enviar anónimamente cualquier pregunta que tenga acerca de la representación sindical.
No rastrearemos ni intentaremos rastrear ninguna información personal. Sin embargo, su pregunta podría aparecer en la página de preguntas frecuentes. No aparecerá ninguna información personal que usted proporcione.

Banner Health
View this profile on InstagramBanner Health (@banner_health) • Instagram photos and videos
One Message
Banner is proud of our One Team culture, which is more than working together, it’s empowering our teams to deliver excellent, highly reliable care. One Team is built on trust, working together to solve problems, improving one another, and investing in our teams’ well-being and development.

Any Questions?
Please use the form to anonymously submit any questions you may have about union representation.
We will not track or attempt to track any personal information. However, your question may appear on the FAQs page. Any personal information you provide will not appear.